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I've got court this afternoon, here's an open thread, all topics welcome. No blog-clogging please, and keep it civil.
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There are many things more interesting in the world to discuss than Donald Trump, that don't leave you wanting to take a shower.
Univision/Netflix has announced the lead for its new original series based on the life of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman-Loera that will air on Univision beginning April 23. He is Marco de la O. Here's his twitter page. He certainly looks the part, although he appears to be Colombian.
Telemundo's El Chema, very very loosely based on El Chapo, is now in its final episodes. It was really well done, all of the characters were well cast and interesting. It will leave a big hole in my TV viewing when it ends. Last week Chema formed a partnership with a corrupt DEA agent and a CIA agent in Central America and the Contras to get his cocaine into America. [More...]
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Time for a new open thread. All topics welcome.
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I have had nothing to say about Donald Trump or his Administration the past few days. He's become a boring distraction, and an non-entertaining one at that.
In the long run, Trump won't make a bit of difference in the world, unless he manages to get us all blown up with his bloviating and incompetence.
It is beyond disappointing that each of his trips to his hotel in Palm Beach cost the U.S. $3 million in security, and beyond selfish that security costs for his wife and son who can't be inconvenienced to change schools in the middle of the year cost taxpayers $1 million a day. The two reactions the man and his family provoke: wanting to shower or retch. [More...]
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Who doesn't put ketchup on steak? They go together like coffee and milk, peanut butter and jelly, pork chops and applesauce. The only steaks I don't eat with ketchup are those in fajitas and Thai and Vietnamese steak salads (the chili-lime sauce is great.) Hamburgers and meatloaf go with ketchup, why not steak? (I'd never put it on a hotdog though, beef or not, and I never go near mayonnaise on anything. Grossest food ever.)
This is an open thread, all topics welcome.
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Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead today. The opposition to Daylight Savings Time seems to be growing. I don't get the fuss over it. I like it, especially in the spring because it means it doesn't get dark at 5:00 p.m. any more. I don't see the difference between sleeping 6, 7 or 8 hours. It all feels the same to me (as opposed to 3 hours vs. 7 or 8 hours, which I can feel.)
Nor am I afraid of loss of melatonin from the blue light on my cable box. And I like to see the city lights out my bedroom window as I fall asleep and the morning light -- blackout shades remind me of the 1980's and Las Vegas hotels.
But that's just me. This is an open thread, all topics welcome.
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Today was the longest court hearing I've had in years -- 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. I forgot how exhausting it can be at the end of the day. Happily, the TL kid and his fiancee and their new puppy are coming for dinner, bringing Chinese food and all I have to do is make the Mojitos.
I haven't seen any news, so here's an open thread, all topics welcome.
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I'm done for the day. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.
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The travails of the most unimportant person in the White House continue. You can violate ethics rules but be excused by White House Counsel. You can show utter disrespect for White House furniture, your boss and the group of people being honored in the room, and it's just brushed off.
Trump and Conway:
Two rabbits running in a ditch
Must be the Season of the Witch
This is an open thread, all topics welcome.
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It's a court day for me, which means an open thread for you.
All topics welcome.
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RIP Alan Colmes, who has died after a short illness. He really was a gentleman, who never needed to shout to get his views across. It was always a pleasure to appear on Hannity & Colmes back in the days when Fox at least wanted to appear to be fair and balanced.
I'll be back to blogging this weekend, in the meantime, here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.
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I'm in court all day (and then again on Thursday and Friday on another case.) I hope Trump doesn't blow up the world this week. Since I'm not reading much news these days except about the supposed cartel infighting in and killings all over Sinaloa this two past weeks, it feels like a load has been lifted.
I'm sure it will change when my schedule gets lighter.
This is an open thread, all topics welome,
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