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Gary Hart: Hits President in Wartime

Former Colorado Senator Gary Hart continues to test the waters for a presidential run. An hour-long recently taped interview of Hart will air tonight on Denver's Public Television station, KBPI Channel 12, at 9pm mountain time.

Among Hart's comments:
"We could have avoided this bloodshed" through muscular diplomacy but for "hard-line elements in the administration who were hell-bent on war from day one."

President Bush continually changed the justification for invading Iraq and exaggerated Saddam Hussein's ties to al-Qaeda terrorists that were "never true."

There are 46 or 47 other nations with dictatorships who mistreat their people. "Do we overthrow them all? I don't think so."

North Korea's corrupt leadership has defied specific arms agreements with the United States far more directly than Iraq ever did...and poses a serious threat because of its nuclear ambitions.

He is considering challenging for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004. ,,,he is "testing the waters" and has now launched a website to collect his comments and offer potential volunteers a place to sign up.

War supporters who want to dismiss the large American protest movement are "missing a point" about the national character. "We're a peaceful people. Most Americans don't see the U.S. as the cop of the world."

Insistent media questions about the Rice fiasco are slowly fading and that more people are asking and writing about his studies of terrorism and other issues.

Multiple terror attacks on U.S. soil remain likely and that a new president's focus should be on solving the intractable Middle East problems to secure Americans in the future. After addressing major international conflicts, the president should then turn inward to promote universal health coverage, "which we need," ... and energy independence.
Hart will be speaking in Albuquerque on Monday, April 21, New York City on Wednesday, April 23 and in Portland, Oregon on Thursday, April 24. Details below and at GaryHartNews.com

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The George Bush Agenda: Look Busy

LiberalOasis on George Bush's agenda for the next two years:
… though Bush bravely trumpets the promises of a new world order abroad and takes bold steps to bring it about, his top aides blithely admit they have no agenda at home for the next two years…

...White House officials believe it may not be necessary for them to win passage of many domestic policies for Bush to win reelection next year...

…[A senior Bush] aide said, Bush will benefit from merely demonstrating that, unlike his father, he has a "busy agenda," even if it does not pass.
-- Washington Post, 4/14/03

“Look Busy” should be in everyone’s stump speech until the media simply cannot ignore it.

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Condi Rice or Schwarzenegger

The Terminator versus the national security adviser for California governor in 2006?

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice are both considering bids to become Governor of California. Schwarzenegger met with Bush Advisor Karl Rove today:
If he decides to run, Schwarzenegger may face a challenge from national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, who has spoken to senior Republicans about running for California's top job, according to a Bush adviser. Rice's candidacy is a "real possibility," this adviser said, adding that Rice wants to take on an executive role.
At this stage, with the states' budget crisis and his general unpopularity, either one could beat Gray Davis. Any suggestions for a better Democratic candidate out there? If not, we'll take Arnold.

Update: Z in the comments section informs us that Gray Davis is term limited. He also makes the valid point that with the election 3 1/2 years away, issues could be vastly different by then. We'll revisit the matter in a few years, and in the meantime, we'll keep an eye on the rising political ambitions of some liberal California entertainers.

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Gary Hart Answers Questions Posed on His Weblog

We are impressed. Sen. Gary Hart is not only posting on his weblog, he's answering questions posed by readers and soliciting opinions and ideas.

Hart has not decided yet whether he will run for President, but comments like these show he's still giving the idea serious consideration:
The Democratic party has not offered a great idea for more than a quarter century and we risk permanent minority status because of it.
Run, Gary, Run.

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Gary Hart Monitor: Meetup Tonight

There are two Gary Hart meetups tonight, one in Hollywood, CA where Sen. Hart will be present, and one here in Denver at Pablos, 630 E. 6th Ave., Denver, at 8:00 p.m. Details here. This is the first meetup for Hart, all are welcome.

While Sen. Hart has not yet decided whether to run for President (he is now "testing the waters" with speeches around the country,) at least one of his close friends thinks he will run:
FROM THE HART. In private conversations, Gary Hart “sounds pretty certain” he’ll run for President, according to his longtime New Hampshire friend Dan Calegari.

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Lieberman Backs Liberal Social Goals

Presidential contender Joseph Lieberman endorsed several liberal social goals Monday and said he would make them a priority.
Lieberman's four liberal social priorities:

· Gay rights: Pledges to sponsor a bill providing benefits to the domestic partners of gay federal employees. Push for legislation barring discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation.

· Affirmative action: Endorsed the University of Michigan admissions program that gives extra points to minority applicants.

· Racial profiling: Would work to ban it.

· Abortion: Denounced banning the procedure called "partial birth abortion." Said it was "a harbinger and a warning" of future threats against the legal right to abortion.

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Gary Hart Monitor

Gary Hart will be in New Hampshire on Thursday and Friday, March 27-28, and then Massachusetts and New Jersey on Saturday, March 29. Here are the details for the public events: (Updated 3/27/03)

Friday, March 28:

Dartmouth College, 4:30-6:30 PM
Panel Discussion (hosted by Rockefeller Center), "America At War"
Discussion centering on the perception of public opinion.
Dartmouth College, Dartmouth Hall 105
Hanover, NH

Saturday, March 29 (3 events):

Boston University, 12:00 PM
Audience discussion on the war with Iraq, moderated by Senator Hart
Boston University's Sargent College, Room 102
635 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA

Amherst College, 4:00 PM
Public Forum to Discuss the War with Gary Hart
Sponsored by the Five College Program in Peace and World Security Studies
Cole Assembly Room, Converse Hall
Amherst College
Amherst, MA

Yale University, 7:30 - 8:45 PM
Audience discussion on the war with Iraq, moderated by Senator Hart
Yale Law School Room 127
127 Wall Street
New Haven, CT

Tuesday, April 1:

Milken Institute Global Conference (March 31-April 2), 7:00 - 9:30 PM
Panel discussion: "America''s Role in the World"
Beverly Hilton Hotel
Los Angeles, CA
More information

Thursday, April 3:

Gary Hart Meetup.com event - Los Angeles
Location: TBA, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Please check the web site for event location and plan to arrive early!
More information

Please keep up with the web site for further schedule updates as Senator Hart is scheduling more events daily!

Don't forget to sign-up for your local Gary Hart Meetup event April 3 here

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Dean Ties Kerry in New Hampshire

A new poll by the American Research Group shows Howard Dean has virtually tied Kerry in New Hampshire.
The poll showed Kerry with the support of 23 percent of likely voters, Dean with the support of 22 percent, Dick Gephardt with 15 percent, and Joe Lieberman with 12 percent, and 20 percent undecided. Among other active and potential candidates, John Edwards garnered 3 percent, Gary Hart 2, Bob Graham, Joe Biden and Carol Moseley-Braun 1, and Al Sharpton and Wesley Clark, 0. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent, putting Kerry and Dean in a statistical tie.
Considering Gary Hart is not a candidate (yet,) we'd call his showing very respectable.

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Gary Hart Scores in Westchester

Reporter Phil Reisman of the Westchester Conty Journal News has this to say about Gary Hart after his recent appearance at the annual annual $200-a-plate dinner in New Rochelle Thursday night (where TalkLeft grew up, by the way).
Since last fall, Hart has been flirting with the idea of running for president in 2004. An announcement was expected later this month - but it has been put off because, as Hart said yesterday, the nation is on the threshold of war.

In any event, a comeback is not as outlandish as some pundits think. Hart has real strengths: name recognition, experience in running grass-roots campaigns and a public profile that has been raised by his role as co-chairman of the U.S. Commission on Terrorism, which in January 2001 warned that a catastrophic terrorist attack on this country was imminent.

Brian Nickerson, a professor of political science and director of the Michaelian Institute at Pace University in White Plains, believes Hart is already right up there with the top tier of Democratic candidates.

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Gary Hart: Meetup April 3

From GaryHartNews.com:
As Gary Hart moves closer to a decision, supporters continue to spread the news of his appearances and potential candidacy. Some of these supporters have initiated meetings across the country through an online site called Meetup.com.

Meetup.com is an online venue where Hart supporters can connect and initiate meetings in over 450 cities across the country. Meetup.com is not officially affiliated with Gary Hart, but it is a great way to learn about his ideas and to discuss them with others. Sign-up is easy and free. As a Meetup.com member, you can participate in monthly meetings (including planning if you so choose), you can communicate with other supporters and you can find out how to best utilize the web as a way to build interest.

The first national Gary Hart Meetup.com day is April 3. To participate, log into:

http://garyhart.meetup.com/ Please let your friends know as well!

Also of note: TV appearances in the next two days -

March 19, 2003: CNN - American Morning with Paula Zahn, 8:00 AM EST

March 20, 2003: PBS - The Charlie Rose Show (check local listings for
channel and time.)

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Contribute to Gary Hart

Gary Hart is now officially accepting donations while considering whether to run for President. Give soon, give as much as you can. Every little bit helps. Here's the donation link.

His website is garyhartnews.com

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Gary Hart Begins Fundraising

Gary Hart will begin raising funds for a possible Presidential run.

His spokesman says the money "will be used to pay expenses while he considers a run for the White House," but "is not necessarily a step toward throwing his hat in the ring."

Hart will use the money for travel as he continues to speak around the country. He will decide whether to run within the next month to six weeks.

We hope to have the information on how to donate as soon as its available. Hart's website is GaryHartNews.com

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