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A New Era for TalkLeft

No, we're not leaving. We're expanding, in a way.

One of the reasons I've been short on blogging the past month is that I've been busy designing and creating a new version of TalkLeft on Wordpress. (Talkleft has been on Scoop for years, which is not only a dinosaur, but very few people are still familiar with it or know how to move it over to another platform. The cost to do so would many thousands of dollars.)

Second, blog advertising has died a natural death. Since TalkLeft costs me thousands of dollars a year to maintain, I've decided to try something new: Two TalkLefts. [More...[

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Thursday Night Open Thread

Guess who is on American Idol night? He will also be on "Katie" tomorrow. And in 32 days, he'll be in Denver. I've got really good seats.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Morning Open Thread

Open Thread.

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Monday Open Thread

I'm still really busy with work stuff, not much time for news. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Saturday Night Open Thread

It seems a little early for Daylight Savings Time, but it's here. Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead (spring forward, fall back.)

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Busy at work today. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Night Open Thread

I just realized we haven't had an open thread since Monday. Here's one, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

Busy Monday.

There's a good column in the Aspen Daily News about the conclusion of the "geriatric cocaine dealers" cases. They ended with the conviction last week of the only defendant who went to trial.

The convictions of the local dealers aren’t a victory by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a loss for their families, our community and the country, and proves the insanity of the system we have set up. Throwing 60-year-olds in prison for making money in a capitalistic society accomplishes zero. Cocaine is still available in Aspen. Nothing has changed. Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.


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Sunday Open Thread

I'm spending today getting acquainted with my new iMac. Since syncing has always been a problem for me -- I always end up erasing something I want to save or with outdated versions of my contacts or with hundreds of duplicates of songs in my iTunes folder, I'm going very slowly.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Friday Open Thread

It's a court day again for me. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Busy day here. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

The Supreme Court held argument on the Voting Rights Act.

President Obama will meet with Congressional leaders about "the sequester."

NBC has responded to the George Zimmerman lawsuit seeking damages for its mangled editing of his call to non-emergency to report Trayvon Martin as a suspicious person. In other case news, the FBI is objecting to the court order (available here) to produce its records to the defense. The FBI's pleading is here.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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