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Monday Night Open Thread

Time for an open thread for those who are interested in topics other than the Boston bombing.

All topics welcome.

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Thursday Night Open Thread

For the last few days, I've been following the twitter feeds of the friends of Dzokhar Tsarnaev who insist he is innocent and has been framed and rebuttal articles by conservative bloggers who think they are full of it. I hope to have a post up about this tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Tuesday Open Thread

There was a hearing in the George Zimmerman case today. Zimmerman and his lawyers confirmed they are not seeking to have the case dismissed prior to trial based on immunity. However, Mark O'Mara said the defense may still raise immunity at trial, after all the evidence is in. More here.

I'll be at the jail the rest of the day. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

Excellent read: BMaz at Empty Wheel, Tsarnaev: Right to Counsel, not Miranda, is the Key.

NBA star Jason Collins announces he's gay.

Ricin suspect J. Everett Dutschke appears in court.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Busy work day. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Disabling Video Auto-Play (A How-To)

I have been complaining forever about news sites that auto-play their annoying videos when you click on an article. The problem has become more pronounced in recent months, apparently because videos are a huge money-maker for news sites (apparently young people prefer watching them to reading.)

Finally, I found a way around them and it's easy in all browsers.


  • Type "about:config" into your URL bar.
  • A warning will come up - dismiss it
  • An alphabetical list will come up of various processes. Scroll down to "plugins.click_to_play". Right click on it and choose "toggle." Restart Firefox.

That's it. the next time an article with a video comes up, it will look like like the one below. If you want to watch it, just click on it. [More...]

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Tuesday Night News and Open Thread

I spent all day writing my outline on social media dangers and opportunities in criminal cases for the NORML Aspen Legal Seminar next month and am just catching up on the news.

Coincidentally, I see that two big stories today are the release of the Ricin suspect:

Attorney Christi McCoy said her client has been framed by someone who used several phrases Curtis likes to use on social media.

“I do believe that someone who was familiar and is familiar with Kevin just simply took his personal Paul Kevin Curtis: Ricin Letter-Writing Suspect Released on Bond information and did this to him,” McCoy told CNN. “It is absolutely horrific that someone would do this.”

Longer article here.

And someone hacked Twitter sending the Dow plunging for a while. [More...]

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Tuesday Morning Open Thread

It's another Champion's Leage Day, as the semifinals commence with the first leg of a Battle of the Titans: Barcelona vs. Bayern Munich.

The big question: Is Messi healthy? Without him. Barca has looked pedestrian. Bayern has looked tremendous all season (and the rich get richer as Bayern buys their German rival Dortmund's best player, Mario Goetze.)

I took Bayern to qualify (12 units at +140), but I fear Messi.

Tomorrow it's Dortmund vs. Real Madrid.

Open Thread.

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Monday Night Open Thread

R.I.P. Richie Havens.

Federal defenders in Tsarnaev's case filed a motion this afternoon asking that two experienced death penalty lawyers be appointed as co-counsel with them. Federal law provides that in any case with the potential for the death penalty, the defendant is entitled to "learned counsel". Here's the motion. They cite the Jared Loughner and Eric Rudolph cases. Judy Clarke's phone must be ringing off the hook. (She represented both Loughner and Rudolph as well as the Unabomber -- and was also part of Zacarias Moussaoui's team.) If she'd agree, it would be the biggest break Tsarnaev could hope for. When it comes to saving a life, there's no one better. The New York Times had this profile of Judy in 2011 during her representation of Loughner. [More...]

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Sunday Night Open Thread

I don't think I've read any news this week that's not related to the Boston bombings.

I'm turning my attention now to Nurse Jackie, the Good Wife and Celebrity Apprentice.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

Update: Miami Herald reporter Carol Rosenberg is back at Guantanamo. The Pentagon now says 45 of the 166 detainees as on hunger strikes, 13 are on tube feeds, and two are hospitalized for observation. Follow her on Twitter, she posts frequent and accurate updates.

Those kids, they sure do "the darndest things." This story about a six year old who took the family car to get more chinese food from the restaurant his family had eaten at the night before, and made it three miles before being stopped by the cops, made me laugh.

Is force-feeding the hunger striking detainees at Guantanamo torture? The group Physicians for Human Rights says it is.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Sunday News and Open Thread

Militants in Somalia attack the Supreme Court. All 9 attackers, most wearing suicide vests, were killed, court was in session, and hostages were taken. These AP photos show a ravaged city and incredible poverty. A burning car, rescue efforts, a woman with a baby trying to get to safety, one of the injured clinging to the pants of the soldier trying to help him, a little girl and her brother running to safety.

In the random acts of violence department: In Long Beach, CA, a man goes to a 7-11 and a homeless man throws a flammable object in his car.

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